
Last updated July 15, 2017

Used by: Standings, MLB Wild Card Standings

Name Type Description
team_id string The id of the team
rank integer Team's rank within their division or conference by winning percentage/games behind leader
ordinal_rank string Team's rank within their division or conference as an ordinal number (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
won integer Number of games won
lost integer Number of games lost
first_name string Team's first name
last_name string Team's last name
away_won integer Number of games team has won playing as the away team
away_lost integer Number of games team has lost playing as the away team
conference string Abbreviation of team's league
conference_won integer Number of games won playing versus other teams in the same league
conference_lost integer Number of games lost playing versus other teams in the same league
division string Abbreviation of team's division
division_won integer Number of games won playing versus other teams in the same division
division_lost integer Number of games lost playing versus other teams in the same division
games_back float Number of games team is behind first place team. Teams in first place return 0.0 as their value. For MLB Wild Card Standings this value may be negative which means the team is ahead of the second place wild card team by that value. The number of games back for wild card standings is calculated from the team in second position in each league.
games_played integer Number of games team has played
home_won integer Number of games team has won playing as the home team
home_lost integer Number of games team has lost playing as the home team
last_five string Team's record in last five games
last_ten string Team's record in last ten games
playoff_seed integer For NBA standings only. Each team in each conference is assigned a value from 1-15 according to the NBA's playoff seeding and tiebreaking rules.
point_differential integer Number of points (or runs) scored minus number of points (or runs) allowed
point_differential_per_game string Number of points (or runs) scored minus number of points (or runs) allowed divided by number of games played
points_against integer Number of runs or points team has allowed
points_for integer Number of runs or points team has scored
points_allowed_per_game string Average number of points or runs allowed per game
points_scored_per_game string Average number of points or runs scored per game
streak_total integer The number of games in current streak
streak string String representation of current winning or losing streak. A value of - indicates no current streak.
streak_type string Streak type, win, loss, or -. A dash indicates no current streak type.
win_percentage string Team's winning percentage formatted as #.000

Example Listing

  "rank" : 1,
  "won" : 6,
  "lost" : 1,
  "streak" : "W4",
  "ordinal_rank" : "1st",
  "first_name" : "Toronto",
  "last_name" : "Raptors",
  "team_id" : "toronto-raptors",
  "games_back" : 0.0,
  "points_for" : 752,
  "points_against" : 671,
  "home_won" : 4,
  "home_lost" : 0,
  "away_won" : 2,
  "away_lost" : 1,
  "conference_won" : 5,
  "conference_lost" : 1,
  "division_won" : 2,
  "division_lost" : 0,
  "last_five" : "4-1",
  "last_ten" : "6-1",
  "conference" : "EAST",
  "division" : "ATL",
  "playoff_seed" : 1,
  "points_scored_per_game" : "107.4",
  "games_played" : 7,
  "points_allowed_per_game" : "95.9",
  "win_percentage" : ".857",
  "point_differential" : 81,
  "point_differential_per_game" : "11.6",
  "streak_type" : "win",
  "streak_total" : 4